Privacy Policy

At Join To Grow Family Education, LLC. and the Providers ("Join To Grow," "we," "us," "our"), we know you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. Please read on to learn more about our Privacy Policy. By visiting Join To Grow’s website(s) and all other products, services and applications made available by Join To Grow from time to time (collectively, the "Services"), you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy. 

The owner of the website is based in Washington in the United States. We provide this website for use only by persons located in the United States. We make no claims that the website or any of its content is accessible or appropriate outside of the United States. If you access the website from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

Join To Grow complies with all applicable laws regarding your privacy. 

In this Policy, “Personal Information” means any information about an identifiable individual or information that can be used to identify an individual.

You are responsible for any Content you provide in connection with the Services. We cannot control the actions of anyone with whom you or any other Join To Grow users may choose to share information. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that Content you or any user posts on the Services will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. Although we may allow our users to set privacy options that limit access to certain parts of the Services, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and that we are not responsible for circumvention of any security measures contained on the Services. Join To Grow does not encourage you to make any personally identifiable information (Personal Information) public other than what is necessary for you to use our Services. You understand and acknowledge that, even after removal, copies of Content may remain viewable in cached pages, archives and storage backups or if other users have copied or stored your Content. We will make efforts to remove the Content under our control that is not part of another user's account.

You may request removal of Personal Information (as described below) that you have provided to us by contacting us at We will remove your Personal Information from our database on your request, but this information may remain in our server logs as part of our standard backup procedures, unless prohibited by contract or law. A verified Organization administrator (Verified Administrator) or Organizer may be able to upload and provide information about you to your account; if you would like to remove or amend that information, you may have to contact and work directly with that Verified Administrator or Organizer.

Any improper collection or misuse of Content or other information accessible on the Services is a violation of Join To Grow’s Terms of use and should be reported. 

What does this privacy policy cover?

This Privacy Policy explains how Join To Grow collects, uses, and discloses information from you and other users who access or use the Services, including our treatment of Personal Information. Also, this Privacy Policy covers Join To Grow's treatment of any Personal Information that our partners share with us, or that you provide to Join To Grow through another third party website or service while using the Services. This policy does not apply to websites, services or practices of companies that we do not own or control, even if they help us operate our Services. Third party providers who do help us operate our Services must adhere to privacy and security obligations in a manner consistent with Join To Grow's policies and practices.

What information does Join To Grow display or collect?

When you use the Services, you may set up your personal profile, set goals, rewards, send messages and transmit information through various channels as permitted by the functionality of the Services. Join To Grow will not display your personal contact information to other users without your permission. The information we gather from users enables us to attempt to verify user identity, allows our users to set up a user account and profile through the Services, and helps us personalize and improve our Services. We retain this information to provide the Services to you and our other users and to provide a useful user experience. When you update your information, we usually keep a backup copy of the prior version for a reasonable period of time in case you need to need to go back to that version.

Information you provide to us

We receive and store any information you knowingly enter on the Services, whether via computer, mobile phone, other wireless device, or that you provide to us in any other way. This information may include Personal Information such:

  • Your name, age, phone numbers, email addresses and photographs 

  • Username, password, and other registration information

  • Health Information that you provide us

  • Health information about you prepared or obtained by the Providers who provide services through the website (Information they collect while working with you is governed by the Notice of Privacy Practices - 

  • Billing information that you provide us, such as credit card information, or that we receive from a health plan, employer or other provider of healthcare benefits on your behalf.

  • Other information you input into the website or related services.

For under-13 users, we collect a first and last name, date of birth, gender, username, and that under-13 user's parent's email address to provide notice to the parent regarding the Services. 

You may choose not to provide us with certain information, but then you may not be able to take advantage of many of our features. 

We use the Personal Information we receive about you to provide you with the Services and also for purposes such as:

  • attempting to authenticate your identity,

  • administering your account

  • responding to your requests for certain information,

  • customizing the features that we make available to you,

  • suggesting relevant services or products for you to use,

  • improving the Services and internal operations (including troubleshooting, testing, and analyzing usage),

  • communicating with you about new features

  • and, most importantly, protecting our users, sending emergency messages we are directed to send to you, and working towards making sure our Services are safer and more secure.

You may modify or remove your Personal Information at any time by logging into your account and accessing features to edit your account information. 

Information collected by the Providers Providing Services

If you or your child are receiving services from us, a Provider may collect additional information from you and may create information about you in order for them to provide you with the Services.  The information the Providers collect will be protected as described in our Notice of Privacy Practices. 

Information collected automatically

We receive and store certain types of information whenever you use the Services. Join To Grow automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser including Join To Grow cookie information, the page you requested, and other usage information such as your activity on the Services, the numbers and frequency of visitors to our website and its components (similar to TV ratings that indicate how many people watched a particular show). None of this information constitutes Personal Information. Certain information that is collected automatically, such as device ID, IP address and phone number, and browsing information that is associated with a user will be treated as Personal Information. 

We also may provide to our partners aggregate information derived from automatically collected information about how our users, collectively, use our website. We may share this type of non-personally identifiable, aggregated statistical data so that our partners also understand how often people use their services as well as Join To Grow.

Email and text message communications

If you provide us your email address or phone number, Join To Grow may send you administrative messages (such as updates, notifications, newsletters, and other news) relating to the Services or to respond to communications from you. By maintaining a Join To Grow account and/or not opting out of receiving information from Join To Grow, you acknowledge and agree that you may receive e-mail or SMS text messages on your phone or mobile device from other Join To Grow users, from Join To Grow and/or its agents (as described below) and other individuals or companies if you choose to use services or products that they offer. Receiving these messages may cause you to incur usage charges or other fees or costs in accordance with your wireless or data service plan. Any and all such charges, fees, or costs are your sole responsibility. You should consult with your wireless carrier to determine what rates, charges, fees, or costs may apply. We may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us if your computer supports this type of program. If you no longer wish to receive administrative email messages from Join To Grow you may opt-out by contacting us. Please note that if you do not want to receive legal notices from us, such as this Privacy Policy, those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you are responsible for reviewing the legal notices for changes.

What about cookies, pixels, and local storage?

Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer as you browse the web. Like many websites, Join To Grow uses cookies to discover how people are using our Services and to make them work better.

A pixel is a small amount of code on a web page or in an email notification. As many services do, we (or our agents) may use pixels to learn whether you've interacted with certain web or email content on our Services. This helps us measure and improve our Services and personalize your experience on Join To Grow.

Local storage is an industry-standard technology that allows a website or application to store information locally on your computer or mobile device. Join To Grow uses these technologies to deliver, measure, and improve our Services in various ways. These uses generally fall into one of the following categories:


To remember information about your browser and your preferences.

For example, cookies may help us remember your preferred language or country that you are in. We can then provide you with Join To Grow content in your preferred language without having to ask you each time you visit Join To Grow. 

Analytics and research

To help us improve and understand how people use our Services.

For example, cookies help us test different versions of our services to see which particular features or content users prefer. We might also optimize and improve your experience on Join To Grow by using cookies to see how you interact with our services, such as when and how often you use them and what links you click on. We may use Google Analytics to assist us with this.

Most browsers have an option for turning off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allowing you to decide on acceptance of each new cookie in a variety of ways. We strongly recommend that you leave the cookies activated, however, because you will not be able to log in or use many of the Services' features without cookies enabled. Note that the use of cookies by anyone other than Join To Grow is not covered by our privacy policy. We do not have access or control over those cookies.

Protection of Join To Grow and others

We may release Personal Information when we believe in good faith that release is necessary to:

  • comply with the law or national security request (for example, responding to a subpoena or other legal process);

  • enforce or apply other agreements; or

  • protect the rights, property, or safety of Join To Grow, our employees, our users, or others. This includes, without limitation, exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection or responding to government requests.

We also may be required to disclose an individual's Personal Information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

With your consent

You will be notified when your Personal Information may be shared with agents or companies other than Manatee and you will be given the option to prevent the sharing of this information unless Manatee determines that not disclosing this to you prior to your information being shared is necessary to comply with applicable laws or legal processes or we are prohibited by law or legal processes from informing you in advance.  Join To Grow does not sell your Personal Information.

Is information about me secure?

The security of Personal Information is a top priority for Join To Grow.

Join To Grow has protections in place to enhance our users' security, and routinely update these protections. We have administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect against unauthorized use, disclosure of or access to Personal Information. In particular:

  • Our engineering team is dedicated to keeping your Personal Information secure.

  • We work with industry-leading auditors to review and guide our security policies and procedures.

  • The Google cloud infrastructure has been designed and managed in compliance with regulations, standards, and best-practices, including HIPAA, SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (formerly SAS70), SOC 2, SOC 3, PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 27001, FedRAMP, DIACAP and FISMA, ITAR, FIPS 140-2, CSA, and MPAA.

  • All Join To Grow clients use TLS/SSL when communicating with our servers.

Join To Grow endeavors to protect user information and to ensure that user account information is kept private; however, we cannot guarantee the security of user account information. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors may compromise the security of user information at any time. If Join To Grow knows or becomes aware of a security breach of its users' personally identifiable information, Join To Grow will notify affected users as required by applicable laws and may post a notice on the Services as required by applicable law(s). This Privacy Policy only governs information collected on the Services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email or some other means prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

If we make material changes to the types of Personal Information we collect or how we use Personal Information collected from under-13 users we will notify parents by email in order to obtain verifiable parental consent for the new uses of the child's Personal Information.